This week was one of my favorite weeks so far :) I have officially been here for 2 months! Time is really flying by... Time goes by so fast and when you come up to breath it is half over. Life is funny like that. I'm doing my best to live in the moment - every moment. But it takes practice - as my daddy says. I'm doing my best and I'm tyring to live each moment to the fullest - even the crappy moments or the boring because that is what life is about. Enjoying the crappy and the amazing. Sorry - that was a bit deep but just some things I have been thinking about :)
I don't know the best way to organize my week so I guess I will start with Monday and go from there...
Monday was really fun! I had school until 5:10 but I got out of my last hour of school -which was gym- to go to a zumba class with Marta (somebody asked me what a zumba class was so to clarify a zumba class is like a dance class with fast pace, latin music where you do silly dance routines to break a sweat). It was so much fun! It was a class for family members of kids with handicaps or people with handicaps. I made a friend! She gave me a bracelet and told me I was going to be her best friend :) It was really cute. Yes - the bracelet is pinned on my blazer. While Marta and I were doing this Lisa (my sister) had basketball practice and after she had badmitton practice. Which she is amazingggg at. Like seriously - this is not a joke. So I decided to play with the other kids ... and quickly realized that I am beyond awful at badmitton. I lost each match ... but it was funny. I was laughing the entire time. It was nice to see Lisa doing something she enjoys and being active myself! I hope I will be able to go again tomorrow - but we will see if works out.
Tuesday was a normal day complete with a 2 hour french course at 6. My class is really easy for me so I'm thinking of talking to the teacher to switch to a higher level... hm. That is a good sign!
Wednesday was special. My entire grade got to go to a movie (on Wednesdays all the schools are done at noon) at 9 in the city. The movie was called "Illegal" and was about illegal immigrants in Europe. It was really intense and sad. I actually teared up a bit because it was so depressing and emotional. It was all in French so I guess that is a good sign that I could follow along... right? After this we all had some time to chill before we went back to school and I went with some friends to the fair. Liège has this huge fair all for the month of October - it is legit. Nobody was in it since it was like 11 but it was just fun to walk around and eat fried food with friends :) After we went back for our hour of classes then we were free. I went with some girls to get lunch at Quick (the McDonalds of Belgium). I felt so Belgian! After this I went with a friend to get my haircut... which was an effort for me to communicate what I wanted to the hairdresser. But it turned out perfect and I learned some new french vocabulary. It was really fun and nice to talk to my friend while we were waiting. Then I went shopping withthem... it was just nice to walk around the city with new friends and speak in french and I don't know - I loved it :)
Thursday was another typical day complete with a 2 hour french course where it is too easy for me. I really need to talk to the prof about swtiching ...
Friday was really nice too. My teachers decided to not come to school for some reason so I only had 2 hours of French class (actual french class not to learn french) in the morning. Then we had class pictures! Story of my life - I missed the memo that we had pictures that day and showed up to school in my normal apparel and with my attempt to wear make-up. So that was fun to see everyone else looking extra nice. It was the fastest photo-shoot I have ever been to. Maybe that is because my school was all-girls... hm probably. But school was over for me at noon instead of the normal Friday ending at 2 so I just ate in the city with friends and chilled at a friends house for awhile then went home at around 7. My family wasn't home to it was nice to just chill alone and catch up with e-mails and such.
Saturday - or yesterday - was really fun also. I
should use a differnet word than "fun" for everything... sorry about that. Saturday was splendid too! I slept in and after lunch I went for a run. After the run we went to this big shopping mall in Liège that was very American. But it was still cool we just kind of window shopped and walked around. They had a huge grocery store in the mall and we went for the weekly shopping. For some reason I love doing the weekly shopping. I always learn something new and get to try a new sort of dish when we go. Larry is an amazing cook and I have happily gained 4 kilos (I will not convert this out of embarrassment of how much it is in pounds) with his cooking. When we got home I decided it was time to finally carve the pumpkin that has been sitting in the garage for a good few weeks. It was so great! Nobody here carves pumpkins here so it was really fun :) I carved the normal jack-o-lantern face on one side then we (as in Larry and I) carved a kitty on the other side. We were really professional about it and like drew it out on a sheet of paper then converted it on to the pumpkin. But it turned out soooo great!! We put it outside and ahhh it was great. Canelle (the cat - and canelle is cinnamon in french) normally stands by the window when she wants in so we put the cat face so you could see it through the window - everybody thought this was great. And it is!! I love it and can't wait to go see it when I walk downstairs.
Today was another cultural exchange. Slept in again today we all lounged around until like noon. Then I decided to bake my cho
colate chip cookies! Yes - I brought 2 bags Nestlé chocolate chips to Belgium, land of chocolate. Now that I think about it
- that is embarrassing. Whatever! It was cool to laugh and bake them. They didn't have enough of sugar and butter so we improvised a bit but they turned out so good! I am very proud of them :) We made like 5 dozen - so we should be enjoying them for awhile. Then I had my first cooking lesson! I made my favorite dish ever - QUICHE. I love it so much. It was so cool for me to make stuff because at home I don't even attempt to make anything... because I'm very lazy. I'll admit it. So it was interesting to actually cook and I laughd a lot :) It turned out great. Well - I thought it was great. Bien sur (ofcourse). Then since it wasn't raining or too cold here, I went for a 2 hour hike with Larry. We have woods just in front of the house and it was so cool to just walk around. I was sweating by the end of it - but you know the cold sweat when you are cold but hot at the same time. The trees are really tall and skinny here - it looks like a scene from Harry Potter! Halfway through we stopped at an old farm and I enjoyed some hot chocolate with a brown sugar crepe :)
Good week :)
Dinner is ready!
All for now!
à tantot
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